Morning Pages | 14 October 2023

This was a day I'd been waiting for since I was initiated into Freemasonry on 23 April 1992, when I was a mere boy of 20 years old. My Papa Porter, a Past Master of our Lodge, obligated me and my brother into the craft as Entered Apprentices on that day.

I went off to St Andrews University in 1993 and attended only two meetings between then and 2008, when I moved to the Isle of Arran and affiliated to Lodge St Molios No 774 in Lamlash. That marked the beginning of my progression up the ladder to becoming master of the Lodge today.

The day was made more special by the company of my brother, Brian, and his son, Scott. They formed part of the deputation of visiting brethren from my mother Lodge, Lodge Prestwick 1060. In their company was Alex. He was Master of Lodge Prestwick when my brother and I went through our Fellow Craft, Master Mason and Mark Master Mason degrees. He was also my papa's first candidate when he was Master, and was also the principal Installing Master for Alex when he became Master. Alex went back to the chair as Master in 2017 and his last candidate in his term of office was my nephew, Scott. I was proud to have Alex there at my own installation and for him to give the reply to the toast to the visiting brethren. What a day!

Morning Pages

And here's what I wrote on the morning of my installation day.