Morning Pages | 24 January 2024

This turned into a bit of a chat about what I'm reading and listening to, and how it all percolates and comes back out again as something new. I love that.

I mention Tom Cox's piece and heartily recommend that you read it. He has a very engaging writing style, and the way he described his love of reading was just perfect.

I have enormous faith in reading books - more than I ever have - and in the way they linger inside me and make their subtle tweaks and alterations of me. It’s never been about showing the world what you’ve read or reading it to take part in an intellectual pissing contest. It’s about something more magical and private and powerful. You know it’s in there, but you can’t always express precisely how. And that in itself makes it even more magical and private and powerful.

I concur. Wholeheartedly.


Waldmann Edelfeder Broad with Diamine Bilberry Ink

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