Morning Pages | 3 October 2023

It's been a weird day. It started out with a feeling of utter darkness, which I'm very pleased to say had passed by about lunchtime. Now, in the late afternoon, I feel a sense of being overwhelmed right above my head, hanging there like the Sword of Damocles. I know a lot of my readers will understand that feeling well. But in all honesty I'm feeling gratitude more than anything else, gratitude that the morning darkness cleared, because it was horrible. I'm sure I managed to turn it around by using the tricks I've been learning over the years: being mindful of the love I have for my wife is number 1. Sunshine through my closed eyelids was a useful thing too, particularly when I was able to drag myself outside; and the feel of the wind on my face, the fresh air, the sound of birdsong, it all helped to banish the feeling of darkness.