Morning Pages | 4 August 2024
A peaceful, quiet session with a migraine lurking below the surface.
The quotation from Ship of Destiny, p230
AUTUMN RAIN WAS pattering against the windows of Ronica's bedroom. She lay still for a time, listening to it.
The fire had burned low during the night. The chill in the room contrasted almost pleasantly with how warm she was beneath the blankets. She didn't want to get up, not just yet.
Lying in a soft bed, between clean linens and under a warm quilt, she could pretend. She could go back to an earlier time, and fantasize that any day now the Vivacia would dock. She would meet Ephron as he came striding down the wharf. His dark eyes would widen at the sight of her. The strength of his first hug had always surprised her. Her captain would catch her up in his arms and hold her tight as if he would never let go of her again.
Never again.
My favourite restaurant when I worked in Almaty, December 1999–May 2001
Line Brew Almaty · пр.Назарбаева 187А, Abay Ave уг, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan
★★★★★ · Steak house
My Crime and Punishment Group Read
Crime and Punishment
Welcome to the main page for the 2024 slow read of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, one chapter a week.