1 min read

Morning Pages | 7 August 2024

Retention is a problem
Morning Pages | 7 August 2024

I wrote yesterday but didn't post it because it turned into a rant about having to cut the grass. Today's pages were more positive, because, yes, I cut the grass! Four hours of listening to The Revolution of Marina M by Janet Fitch. And, of course, I know that long chores are excellent opportunities to listen to audiobooks, but I still get resentful and ranty beforehand.

TWSBI Precision Fine with CultPens Deep Dark Blue

Retention is such an interesting topic. ADHD is almost definitely a factor here. I'm now becoming much more aware of how I read and why I can get to the end of the page without remembering anything I've just read. I have to make a really big effort to slow down and not skip to the next paragraph before I've finished the one I'm reading.

And on the topic of notes, I looked at my Notion Database to look for Ted's article and found it and another one he'd written on his notetaking process. I'll be looking at those articles again today for sure. And if you're wondering why Ted in particular, it's because he wrote the humanities course that I'm following in the group I'm running on my other Substack.