A Friend's Grief

A friend of mine sent out a newsletter that I read this morning, laying on the sofa at 7:30am with the sound of birdsong coming through the open living room window and the cool morning air making me feel glad to be awake, glad to be alive. I read that newsletter top to tail and it was one of the most profoundly moving things I've read in quite some time. It started to shape my day and continues to do that. In fact that's why I'm here writing right now instead of editing a video.
I met David in the Part-time YouTuber Academy in November. He's just one of many amazing people that I met in that course. There was a real magic to the first iteration of that course that I can't quite put my finger on, and the friendships that have come from it are strong and feel long-lasting.
So, the newsletter. I'll drop a link at the end and you can go and read it for yourselves, but in summary, David's brother died of COVID in January. His newsletter goes into how he feels about that and what life is like now in a COVID world. I'm a huge fan of good writing, and David's is that. So damn good.
I'm finding myself emotionally moved in a way that I haven't felt since my mum died in 2016. I was right back there, remembering that Facebook post I wrote that week to let family and friends know that my mum had died. It has made me feel connected to source again.
So I'm writing this just to say thank you to David for having the courage to send that newsletter out to his list. That's the kind of content that gives me hope for the world and it inspires me to be courageous and creative and not afraid of showing my true self and my vulnerability.
David, thank you. 🙏
Read David's newsletter here: