1 min read

Morning Pages | 16 October 2023

It felt good to be playing guitar again and be back in Will McNicol's orbit.
Morning Pages | 16 October 2023

After two incredible weekends of freemasonry, it's now time to start doing the jobs I've been installed to do. It's going to be a very busy few months of travel between now and Christmas. I'll be travelling mainly as Master of my Lodge, but also have a few trips planned as Third Provincial Grand Principal. I'll be away pretty much every weekend between now and Christmas and my biggest concern is the cost. I'll reassess my travel in the new year and work out if it's costing too much. I think I already know the answer.

I'm keen to get my podcast up and running, but I'm just not sure how to work out the logistics, never mind booking guests and hosting and editing. I should probably build out a project in my Notion system. Maybe I'll do that later today.

Unsurprisingly, the podcast came up in my Morning Pages.

The podcast could potentially bring in revenue to help out with my travel costs, but I know I'm looking at probably two years before the channel is eligible for the YouTube partnership. By then, I should have the format down and be producing some high-quality content. I've got this!

Morning Pages