My First Spiritual Awakening

Hey everyone, how are things? I’m doing fine, ish. 😶
I’ve just about managed to keep to my publishing schedule and, if pushed, I’d say that life is good.
My morning routine of writing at least 750 words with my first cup of coffee is working really well and it is really helping me in all sorts of ways. I mean I’ve always known that morning pages can be a really good thing, but I just never seemed to get to it. This time around it seems to be sticking and I’m loving it.
I’m reading a Very Interesting Book right now called The Real AA, by Ken Ragge.

I had no idea that there was an anti Alcoholics Anonymous movement out there, let alone such a large one. So I’m enjoying researching that with a faint glimmer of an idea in my mind that I could write a book about it myself one day in response to some of what I’m reading. I’m a firm believer that AA saved my life, but I am trying to read this book with an open mind.
I have a list of other books queued up and am taking lots of notes as I read.
My First Spiritual Awakening
This was a topic I was quite excited to make a video about. It was my first time using an external editor too, so I’d love to hear how you like it!
My Podcast
I’ve been recording my podcast Quoth the Camser for over a year now. It started out as a way of talking through my demons when I was diagnosed with clinical depression in Janauary 2018 and I used it right through my medicated phase and going through the challenges of selling my post office business and figuring out what to do after that.
I’m slowly moving the podcast to become a piece of sister content for my YouTube channel and newsletter to bring everything together under the single Recovery umbrella.
Will the name change? Maybe. But I kinda like it. It was the name of my first blog back in the day and its name came from my favourite poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe.
The latest episode is here. I’d love if if you would consider subscribing!