Who is the Real Cams?

I set myself a challenge today to write, record, edit and publish a video. As I write this, it’s now 21:49 and my new video is now online! I haven’t done the metadata yet or even really come up with the definitive thumbnail — I’m waaay too tired for that right now, but I thought that I would share it while still unlisted with my newsletter readers as a small thank you for being so supportive of my creative output.
What Shall I Call It?
Titles are hard too, so that might change. The heavy lifting is done though and I feel like a well deserved show on Netflix.
So what am I doing writing then? Well, that was another creative goal — to publish a newsletter every Friday. So, here I am, sticking to my goals like the sober boss I am!
If any of my lovely readers have an idea for a title and thumbnail after watching, just reply to his email and I’ll get it in my inbox. That would be amazing!
I won’t ramble on here about the contents of the video, as you can just watch the video for that. Instead I’m going to go and sit of the sofa and see for how long I can stay awake. And I know that when I do get to sleep, it will not be a restless drunken sleep with a hangover waiting at the other end, and you have no idea just how grateful I am for that.
Every day in sobriety is a win, which makes today a win. I dearly hope that tomorrow will be too, but for now, today will do!
Do YOU Have a Story You’d Like to Share?
I’m really keen to get my podcast going, so if you’re involved at all in the recovery space or in the space that goes before recovery and would like to share your story, I’d love to set up a conversation over Zoom and see where it takes us. Just reply and let me know a bit about yourself and we’ll get something set up!
Cheers all. Have a great weekend.