Our Daughter at the BBC Proms
Freya played with the NYO at the BBC Proms in August 2022. I wrote this piece for the local paper.
A Momentary Lapse of Reason
How I came to love Pink Floyd.
A Power Greater than Myself
I have a higher power that helps me in every way. Here's how I found it.
Writing as a Spark
Using writing as a way to ignite the gas and get me off my arse. Did it work I wonder?
A Friend's Grief
A thank-you note to a friend for his courage and for renewing my connection to source.
I'm Not Okay – You're Okay
I'm struggling a bit with sugar cravings in an alcoholic kind of way.
My Love of Acoustic Guitar Music
My love of acoustic guitar music is still there. Tony McManus proved that today.
The Sound of Birdsong
The sound of birdsong is my way in to meditation.
Do I Need an AA Sponsor?
Do I need an AA sponsor? What does a sponsor do? How do I choose one? This article explains everything you need to know.